Republicans and fellow travelers have been griping for about a week now about the coverage of Barack Obama's trip abroad. They see it as unfair; they see it as favoritism. This point of view can be seen reflected in Robert's cartoon of Wednesday.
But they're missing an important point: Obama going abroad and meeting foreign leaders is news because it's something new. John McCain going abroad to hang with foreign leaders is old hat, dog-bites-man stuff.
My point is sort of underlined by the results of the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, which finds Obama having a lead in a straight-up match, but McCain having a distinct advantage when it comes to whether voters are comfortable with the candidate's background and values. As the WSJ reports today:
...With the nominations of both parties effectively settled for more than a month, the key question in the contest isn't over any single issue being debated between the Democrats' Sen. Obama or the Republicans' Sen. John McCain. The focus has turned to the Democratic candidate himself: Can Americans get comfortable with the background and experience level of Sen. Obama?
This dynamic is underscored in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The survey's most striking finding: Fully half of all voters say they are focused on what kind of president Sen. Obama would be as they decide how they will vote, while only a quarter say they are focused on what kind of president Sen. McCain would be.
The challenge that presents for Sen. Obama is illustrated by a second question. When voters were asked whether they could identify with the background and values of the two candidates, 58% said they could identify with Sen. McCain on that account, while 47% said the same of Sen. Obama. More than four in 10 said the Democratic contender doesn't have values and a background they can identify with....
The bottom line is, folks are still making up their minds about Obama, so every move he makes is of high, relevant interest to voters. Both his detractors and admirers should welcome this.
I don't know about you, but I decided what I thought about John McCain a long time ago. I thought he should have been nominated and elected in the year 2000, and I think we'd all be better off if that had happened. Yeah, I know some people have changed their minds about him since then, but I have not, nor have a lot of others.
But all of us -- including those of us who like what we've seen so far -- are still making up our minds about Obama. And I don't know about you, but I'm going to be paying close attention to what all this intense scrutiny reveals, for good or ill, as I make up my mind for November.
Once you know Obama's friends are mostly Marxists, terrorists and crooks, what else do you need to decide not to vote for him?
Now, the New York Times reports that most of his campaign money is coming from overseas, mainly Arabs, with Saudi Arabia the top source.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 11:10 AM
If people are still making up their minds about Obama (unlike that crackpot TV journalist Chris Matthews, who all but told every Jay Leno viewer night before last to vote for "Barack"), here's hoping folks note how easily Katie Couric was able to cut Obama to ribbons merely by asking him about two of his contradictory Iraq policy statements yesterday.
If a presidential candidate can't handle relatively soft questions from his journalistic support group, how's he going to negotiate with Ahmadinejad or Putin?
In that sense, Mr. Warthen, Obama's trip is news, but that surely was never the plan. What he wanted was a prolonged photo op to make him look presidential by getting him into the same frame with guys who actually are leading countries. Surely he never imagined his network sycophants would actually rev up their journalistic motors and do their jobs for a change.
My question: Why, when Obama has never been able to admit the surge in Iraq worked, does he want a surge in Afghanistan?
Posted by: p.m. | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 11:10 AM
Could you point me to the source that supports your statement, "the New York Times reports that most of his campaign money is coming from overseas, mainly Arabs, with Saudi Arabia the top source."?
It sounds made up, as does your other statement, "Obama's friends are mostly Marxists, terrorists and crooks".
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Posted by: Norm | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 12:15 PM
It's really an easy choice. McCain has a ton of foreign policy experience. Unfortunately the current foreign policy is the largest problem the US currently faces. So he has a lot of experience at doing things very poorly. That sounds like a great guy to bring in. I'm sure that wouldn't just isolate the country even further. Oh wait, it would.
Posted by: Stu | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 12:18 PM
Why doesn't McCain's age get more attention. He can hardly open his mouth without some incorrect fact come out. He looks increasingly feeble. Fact is, Obama will only get more experienced while McCain gets older. Seems like a pretty simple choice to me: A young, vibrant, energetic, charismatic man who is perhaps a bit inexperienced vs. a dottering old fool who can't get his facts right and has a history of supporting foreign policy blunders.
Posted by: bud | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 12:30 PM
THE STATE newspaper buys the New York Times op-ed columns. On June 29, Maureen Dowd, a flaming leftist who always votes Democrat, penned a column about how disturbing it is to find that most of Obama's money is from large Arab contributors overseas, and is being laundered into thousands of small transactions. This is an updated version of Al Gore's Buddhist Temple scandal, larger and using Electronic Funds Transfer.
Since The State paid for it, but Brad Warthen chose to not print it, I will post it. You can establish an account and read it online,
New York Times
Published: June 29, 2008
Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have
received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama's campaign
internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obama's internet fund raising
campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then
twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history – and this was all from the
internet campaign.
What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we shouldn't be surprised
that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken
and no ethics that prevail.
Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking
, lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of
the Obama campaign web sites.
Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were
more than pleased by the results.
Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied.
Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the
bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service
providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations
were "programmed" by a very sophisticated user.
While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to
firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to
collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals
but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds
transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from
Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for
fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia.
Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar
pattern of limited credit card charges.
It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than
American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision
was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.
It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit
these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number
or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors
exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations.
They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.
This is a shocking revelation.
We have been concerned about the legality of "bundling" contributions after the
recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater
I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come
out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from
$10.00 to $25.00 or so.
If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would
mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million
contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen?
I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth
investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising
needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies
not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 12:38 PM
Are you seriously unfamiliar with all the terrorists, Marxists, swindlers and terrorist supporters are behind Obama?
How can anyone follow any news at all and miss all this? Somem of it is in his own book.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 12:41 PM
How can Lee not spend any time fact checking his sources?
Posted by: Jay | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 01:27 PM
It's a well known fake column. Her actual column for that date, according to the NY Times directory of her columns, was about Hillary and her supporters coming to grips with Obama's primary victories. It wasn't really anything to write home about.
Posted by: Uncle Elmer | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 01:50 PM
I went to read Ms. Dowd's column for myself. I don't know where you got your information, but it didn't come from the source you cite. I see others have already addressed that, however. (Thanks, Jay & Uncle Elmer.) It sounds like one of those things you get in anonymous emails. Maybe you should block that source.
I follow the news closely. I've read both of Mr. Obama's books. I know of a few controversial names that have arisen around him, but I'm not aware of any relationships that give me great concern. I certainly don't ascribe any of their beliefs to him, just as I wouldn't ascribe the views of others to Mr. McCain.
If you know of some individuals that maybe I should know more about, maybe you could share their names with me? Thanks.
Back to the original point of Mr. Warthen's blog...I believe Senator Obama is getting more coverage because he draws more viewers/readers/listeners. People are curious (looking for signs of strength and weakness), and satisfying that curiosity sells. The media are responding, at least in part, in their own economic best interest.
Posted by: Norm | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:02 PM
Lee, you've been had. The Dowd column you cite is a hoax. Just type 'fake dowd column' into google and you'll get oodles of proof to that effect. Fact is Obama is raising millions from real Americans fed up with the antics of the Bush Adminstration and have no desire for a third Bush term.
But what if the Saudis were contributing? Isn't that just the free-market at work? If you're consistent you have to acknowledge that it is.
Posted by: bud | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:09 PM
Let's say this Down column IS an elaborate fake. It is BELIEVABLE because:
* Obama's autobiography details his rejection of American and embrace of Islam, and his changing of his "Christian slave name" to a fabricated Muslim name.
* Arab leaders, from Omar Khaddafi to Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian government, have endorsed Obama.
* Obama's campaigns have been run by convicted terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and sympathizers for Hamas, like the most recent ones who were forced to resign.
* Obama is associated with racist Muslims like Reverand Wright and Louis Farakan.
* Most of Obama's donations have no names attached.
* Many big donors, like Oprah and the Hollywood crowd, have used fundraisers to launder large donations. That is documented and under investigation.
* Obama has not revealed his foreign donors.
* Obama has called for surrendering the Mideast to Al Qaeda, even as we have secured victory and are mopping them up.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:13 PM
Lee just doesn't know when to quit making a fool of himself. At least he provides a bit of comic relief to the Blog.
Posted by: bud | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:17 PM
bud, let's hear you defense of all the terrorists associations with Obama, starting with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn.
Then move back to all the communists that Obama credits as being major influences on his life.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:20 PM
* Obama's autobiography details his rejection of American and embrace of Islam, and his changing of his "Christian slave name" to a fabricated Muslim name.
Ok, that’s just not true. He was named Barack Obama after his father.
* Arab leaders, from Omar Khaddafi to Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian government, have endorsed Obama.
“Endorse” is a little strong. Seems to be a rather weak attempt at linking Mr. Obama to terrorists.
* Obama's campaigns have been run by convicted terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and sympathizers for Hamas, like the most recent ones who were forced to resign.
Dorn and Ayers are unsavory people and were rather inept at their terrorist activities. Neither ever ran a campaign for Mr. Obama. It appears that their relationship is a happenstance acquaintance.
* Obama is associated with racist Muslims like Reverand Wright and Louis Farakan.
Well, Reverend Wright is a Christian. Both are loudmouthed bags of wind. Senator Obama has repudiated both of them and their views.
* Most of Obama's donations have no names attached.
* Many big donors, like Oprah and the Hollywood crowd, have used fundraisers to launder large donations. That is documented and under investigation.
Again, source, please?
* Obama has not revealed his foreign donors.
His campaign claims they will not accept foreign donations. Do you have evidence otherwise?
* Obama has called for surrendering the Mideast to Al Qaeda, even as we have secured victory and are mopping them up.
Again, source? Because it sounds made up.
Posted by: Norm | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 02:52 PM
Are you Obamaniacs now arguing that "Barack" Obama has always been a Muslim.
From what he says, his original name was "Hussein al bin Obama".
He added the name "Barack".
For a time, he went by the name "Barry Soetoro"
His father was a Marxist, a Muslim, and a radical supporter of Jomo Kenyatta and other African communist dictators. He was buried in a Muslim funeral.
Hussein al bin "Barack" Obama has a radical Muslim uncle and brother.
Hussein al bin "Barack" Obama was raised by his communist mother and her friends, like the mentor he praises in his book, Frank Marshall Davis, of the Communist Party USA.
Another mentor, Reverand Wright, was a longtime Black Muslim, before "converting" into some sort of fundamentalist quasi Christian.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 03:04 PM
Hussein al bin "Barack" Obama called for withdrawing all troops from Iraq, and to have had them all gone months ago, before the Surge ever started.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 03:05 PM
FACT: Obama's campaigns have been run by convicted terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and sympathizers for Hamas, like the most recent ones who were forced to resign.
BS EXCUSE: "Dorn and Ayers are unsavory people and were rather inept at their terrorist activities. Neither ever ran a campaign for Mr. Obama. It appears that their relationship is a happen stance acquaintance."
Dorn and Ayers have been friends of Obama for over 13 years. They are neighbors. Their children play together. Obama held his announcement for IL Senate at the Ayer's home. They were photographed together until a few months ago, when the scandal made the news.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 03:09 PM
is Lee retired or does he do this on his employer's time?
Posted by: martin | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 04:18 PM
Can't deal with the dirty truth about Obama?
I am a full-time patriot.
I work for myself, with most of it going to the government.
Posted by: Lee Muller | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 04:29 PM
Lee's just a fool. He never met a column he couldn't drool over and believe. He is entertaining and to be sure, there is no guile. He is what he appears to be.
Brad Warthen, on the other hand, is less candid.
I heard Mr. Warthen on Keven Cohen's show. He refused to answer when asked if he had made up his mind. These in-print Lindsey Graham-esque "Hamlet" moments disguise a mind made-up, just like Little Lindsey. The State newspaper Brad speaks for last endorsed the Democratic candidate for President when Harry Truman was running. They're not about to change.
No matter how much of a flip-flopping political opportunist John McSame is, Mr. Warthen will never desert his man.
His pandering to the wingnuts of his party as evidenced by his totally changed positions on tax cuts for the wealthy, immigration, the Confederate Flag, Bob Jones and the rest of the motley crew of American Ayatollahs, ad nauseum has no boundaries.
Posted by: Guero | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 06:16 PM
amazing. Warthen is feeding the paranoia of the rightwing zealots who believe any nonsense about Obama. His name, his race, his pastor, his religion. Why dont we just stop and say anyone who is not white, male and republican is not qualified to be president. Never mind that the current resident is the biggest imbecile ever to hold the office. Unfortunately, south carolina which has a beautiful topography also has a vile racial history and still refuses to acknowledge it and move into the 21st century. Eventually, something you dont want will happen, enough northern progressives will move into your state to drag you kicking and screaming into the future, meanwhile, good luck trying to hold the tide back.
Posted by: bno | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 06:38 PM
•Are you Obamaniacs now arguing that "Barack" Obama has always been a Muslim.
I assume you are calling me an Obamaniac. I can’t find a reliable source that suggests his name was ever anything other than Barack Obama. What is your source? His name, my name, your name have no bearing on our faith.
•From what he says, his original name was "Hussein al bin Obama".
•He added the name "Barack".
•For a time, he went by the name "Barry Soetoro"
He explains that as a child he used the name Barry because people had trouble saying Barack correctly. Soetero was his stepfather’s name.
•His father was a Marxist, a Muslim, and a radical supporter of Jomo Kenyatta and other African communist dictators. He was buried in a Muslim funeral.
I’ll concede this point. His father left him when he was 2 years old, and he saw him one time when he was about 9 or 10 years old. I don’t think he had much influence on the senator’s political views. He didn’t attend his funeral.
•Hussein al bin "Barack" Obama has a radical Muslim uncle and brother.
Possibly—maybe even probably. The brother is a half brother. Both of these family members live in Africa (if you are referring to the relatives he discusses in his autobiography).
•Hussein al bin "Barack" Obama was raised by his communist mother and her friends, like the mentor he praises in his book, Frank Marshall Davis, of the Communist Party USA.
I’ve just re-read chapters 4 and 5 in Mr. Obama’s autobiography. Here’s a telling quote about Frank Marshall Davis:
“He would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an empty jelly jar. As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks. Eventually, the conversation would turn to laments about women.”
If I missed it, please correct me—I never read anything that indicates that Davis was a mentor of any kind. I don’t even see much praise. Yes, Marshall was a communist.
•Another mentor, Reverand Wright, was a longtime Black Muslim, before "converting" into some sort of fundamentalist quasi Christian.
Source? His dad was a Baptist minister.
About Ayers and Dohrn: This is the most reliable source I could locate for their relationship.
Mr. Obama was introduced at the Ayers-Dorhn home by Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer. Ms. Palmer was introducing Mr. Obama as her chosen successor to her state senate seat. Obama and Ayers both served on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago. (a philanthropic foundation). Ayers donated $200 to Obama’s state senate reelection campaign.
I’d be interested in a source that gives further details. This sounds to me like happenstance acquaintances.
This will be my last post on this topic. You may have the last word if you wish.
Posted by: Norm | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 07:16 PM
so mccain can't get his facts straight? obama said there were 10,000 people killed in kansas in may from tornadoes. he said he had traveled every corner of the us and been in 57 states. he said his parents met at the selma march. that was in 1965 but he was born in 1961. he said there was no threat from iran and a country that small with small defense budgets posed no threat but the next day said he had said all along iran was a threat. that young energetic charasmatic man seems to be the one who can't get his facts straight not mccain
Posted by: ron | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 07:21 PM
Ron, your minutia and other unsupported "facts" are irrelevant. McSame is too old and too ignorant. His judgment can't be trusted as he's shown since his Keating 5 days. His campaign is a walking talking lobby shop.
President Junior is not entitled to a third term through McSame. The worst president in history has to go as do all Repugnants.
Lying this country into a preemptive war while allowing OBL to escape, while running the economy into the ground is Junior's legacy and McSame can't tell you how he'll change anything because he's so afraid of your fellow mouth breathers.
Posted by: Red Bank | Thursday, 24 July 2008 at 09:05 PM