Well, I saw something I've never seen before at my Rotary Club, to the best of my memory (and fellow Rotarians, correct me if I'm wrong): Our main speaker got THREE standing ovations -- before he started speaking, in the middle of his remarks, and when he finished. I've seen some war heroes and others get TWO before, but the club is generally fairly sparing with the standing Os, and the three today can be taken as a deliberate and spontaneous statement by the members of the state's largest Rotary.
The speaker was Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott.
And far from this being a generic, institutional, I'm-your-sheriff-and-here's-what-I-do-for-a-living sort of speech out of the can, the entire thing was a spirited, sometimes humorous, ultimately deadly serious rebuttal to the criticism that the Sheriff has received over the last three weeks over the Michael Phelps affair.
First the humorous -- excuse the crude phone photo above. I didn't have my real camera with me. Fortunately, thestate.com videographer Andy Haworth was there, and he's going to give me a link once he gets what he has posted. Anyway, my crude shot above was taken after the sheriff had warmed up for his speech by a) donning a flak vest; b) saying "I've got my own damn' medals" and hanging them around his neck, then c) having quoted Newsweek as describing him as "blond and photogenic," putting on an Ellie Mae Clampett-style wig.
The sheriff then went on to explain that "I didn't have a choice" whether to investigate the Phelps photo that had been seen around the world, explaining that he didn't care about the picture itself per se, but he did care about what kids in Richland County saw when they looked at it. So he did what he saw as his duty, and carried the case as far as he reasonably could -- without doing anything out of the ordinary -- before closing it for lack of further evidence.
Then, in the spirit of late night television (where he has been the butt of a certain amount of jocularity), he offered his responses to the Top Ten criticisms he's heard in the last three weeks:
- It's "only marijuana," and everybody does it or has done it at some time. He singled me out at that point to say he doesn't normally read blogs, but he read what I wrote last week about someone close to me whose downward slide in life began with youthful dope smoking, and he said he had similar experiences in his life. "I've seen people die from the use of majijuana. You know, maybe that's why it's illegal." He mentioned a close friend in high school, a football hero, who he said is dead because of marijuana. "Don't give me that BS that it doesn't hurt anybody because it does; I've seen it."
- Marijuana "shouldn't be illegal." The sheriff explained that that wasn't his department -- he enforces the law; he doesn't make it. Pointing to state Sen. Joel Lourie out in the audience, he proposed that those who would like the law changed to take it up with him and other lawmakers.
- His investigation was "a waste of taxpayer's money." He said a total of 16 man-hours were spent on the case out of his entire department for the three weeks, for a grand-total expenditure -- based on the involved deputies' pay rates -- of $322.48. He defended the modest outlay, saying "That's our job."
- That he was only pursuing the case "to make a name." Well, he said, "I have a name," and he's had it since his parents gave it to him 55 years ago, and he's satisfied with it. He explained the sequence of events this way: Three weeks ago, after the photo of Phelps with a bong created a worldwide sensation, a reporter asked him, "Sheriff, are you going to do anything about it?" He said he would investigate, and that was the LAST statement he made to any sort of media about the subject until his press conference closing the case a week ago. "I could have been on Leno" or any other of many media opportunities that were offered to him during the period, but which he turned down. In reply to an accusation that he was just trying to get his Warholian "15 minutes," he said, "I could have had 35 hours" of fame if he had wanted it. "When we were through with (the investigation) and I got through quail hunting," he had a press conference "and that was it."
- "I was running for re-election -- Dadgummit," he thought he just got through doing that (which he did, having been re-elected in November).
- "I didn't have nothing better to do." Oh, yeah, the sheriff said -- he is SO bored as sheriff. And here he got pretty passionate. Yeah, he said, he's got other things to do, and he's doing them. He referred in particular to the Denny Terrace attacks -- the brutal beating death of Linda Derrick and the beating and stabbing of Carolyn Webb. The suspect, Elbert Wallace, is one the sheriff has described as a "crackhead," and who Solicitor Barney Giese said "really did terrorize a community for a long period of time." Mrs. Derrick's sister Susan Porth said "My precious sister’s life was taken so this man could get high." The sheriff said today, "That's why that lady's dead, because of drugs," making the point that the suspect didn't start smoking crack. His point in bringing this up was to say that he's doing his job on these more important cases, and that's what he has homicide investigators for. But he also has a narcotics unit, and it is also doing its job. And that unit did its job in the Phelps case. By the way, the sheriff noted, nobody got arrested in the case for being in the famous bong picture. Rather, "We arrested 8 people who were stupid enough to have drugs on them at the... time when we went to... talk with them." That's what they were charged with.
- "I'm running for governor." He thought that was pretty bizarre. He wondered what he'd do if he were elected governor -- "I'd be like the dog that caught the car." Again, he pointed to Joel Lourie if you wanted to talk to a potential gubernatorial candidate (but as readers of The State and this blog know, Vincent Sheheen is running instead of either Joel or James Smith).
- "It was only a college dope party." Lott said cops had been to this house twice previously because of thefts associated with the fact that thieves knew there were drugs on the premises. "This was a drug house that was a menace to the neighborhood."
- Quoting a letter he received, "Michael Phelps is a true American hero, and you are a true American ass." He said it was from "another disgusted taxpayer" -- in Michigan. The sheriff went on to repeat what he had said earlier about his national fan mail: "I don't care what a dope smoker in California thinks about me."
- Finally, "Why?" Why the investigation, that is. "How could I not? How could I just ignore it?" He said it was his job to take those medals from around the neck of the guy in the photo and investigate, and he did, and that was that, and "I can go to bed at night knowing I've done my job."
It was right after he finished with his top ten that the sheriff got his second standing ovation.
In response to a question, he went on to talk about the fact that "Mexico is in a war right now," with a lot of people getting killed, because of the U.S. market for drugs -- that is to say, a market driven by demand from "Michael Phelps and college kids" and others in this country. "Every time we light up a joint here," we in this country are contributing to that violence.
Anyway, the support for the sheriff in that room was pretty solid. Good for Leon.
Thanks, Brad. I'd call this your best post since the Edwards column.
Posted by: Weldon VII | Monday, 23 February 2009 at 05:08 PM
Good for the Good Sheriff!
BTW - those are some funny retorts there -- if he weren't so "apolitical" he'd make a great politician.
Posted by: Mab | Monday, 23 February 2009 at 05:16 PM
What's that giant sucking sound I hear?
Oh, that's just Brad making editorial love to yet another politician. It's getting sort of old hat now.
What's the deal, anyway, Brad? Between you and Keven Cohen, there's not a confrontational bone to be found--just wishy-washy cartilage always flexible and twisty when it encounters actual principles and determination among men.
Oh, yeah, you've got the politicians you attack on a routine basis--usually the ones that have evolved an actual non-pragmatic skeletal structure. "Osteo-envy" perhaps?
However, it's your treatment of the ones that you love so much like Lindsey Graham that leaves your credibility in the dust. You never seem to confront your elitist political "buddies."
If you were a responsible watchdog for the citizenry, you'd be willing to confront ALL politicians when they display a lack of backbone instead of rationalizing and making excuses for your friends.
A responsible watchdog at Der Staat? Oh well, I can dream can't I?
Posted by: Working Tommy C | Monday, 23 February 2009 at 07:11 PM
So, he's seen peope die from pot? How many people has he seen die from alcohol, cocain or crack? Far more, I bet. And how many inocent people has he seen die from others using pot vs. alcohol or crack? Far less, I'm sure.
Is it the cotton and paper industries see hemp as a huge detrement to them, and years ago created a sense of fear among society and especially politicians? A hysteria?
Pulleeez. Pot is safer than our state's other cash crop, tobacco.
Posted by: h | Monday, 23 February 2009 at 08:29 PM
9. Quoting a letter he received, "Michael Phelps is a true American hero, and you are a true American ass." He said it was from "another disgusted taxpayer" -- in Michigan. The sheriff went on to repeat what he had said earlier about his national fan mail: "I don't care what a dope smoker in California thinks about me."
This non pot-smoking South Carolina taxpayer also thinks Lott is an ass.
Here's the standard I use for relevancy. If an argument is mostly based on anecdotal stories the argument is NOT persuasive. I could just as easily say: "I had a friend in college who smoked pot on a regular basis in college and he's now a very successful business man with a wonderful wife and children." That would be true and completely irrelevant.
As for the guy who killed the lady at the ATM to get money for his crack habit, what does that have to do with people smoking pot? Answer: Absolutely nothing. If the guy had killed her to get money for booze or a new pair of Nikes the crime would still be the same.
And finally, who does Lott think he's kidding when he says only 16 man hours were devoted to this case? Give me a break. He had a dozen officer’s raid houses to arrest 8 people for trivial drug "crimes" based on the Phelps photo. Does he expect us to believe all the paper work, travel time, set up time, surveillance, time and paper work to obtain warrants, time the detectives spent interrogating the "criminals', court time and all the rest of it only took 16 man hours??? Lott is just plain lying on that one. He's probably spent that much time himself talking about this.
Lott is an ass and he deserves the ridicule he's gotten. If he really wanted to demonstrate he believes in justice for all he would have done his little dog and pony show on a college campus rather than the Rotary Club. Preaching to the choir is nothing but a self-aggrandizing show. He's offered nothing of relevance to defend his atrocious conduct.
Posted by: bud | Tuesday, 24 February 2009 at 08:28 AM
Lott can defend himself if he wants by saying he doesn't make the laws, he just has to enforce them.
But when he then ventures into deeper waters by talking about Mexico, violence, and drug policy, then he's clearly out of his element.
Rational people know that pot's illegality hikes the money involved, contributes to the violence, etc. We've been down this road with Prohibition before.
Every time a kid lights up a joint he's contributing to the violence, Mr. Lott? I don't think so. I think it's like this:
Every time a comfortable well-attired Rotarian stands up to applaud the idiotic antics of an idiotic sheriff in support of idiotic drug laws, THEY are contributing to drug-related violence. THEY must also bear responsibility.
I hope you stayed seated, Brad.
Posted by: Phillip | Tuesday, 24 February 2009 at 09:04 AM
Actually, I did stay seated, but not out of any lack of support for the sheriff. I expressed my support for what he said here.
In a situation like this, I wear a number of hats simultaneously -- Rotarian, journalist, representative of my newspaper as an institution in the community, editorialist (a different take on journalist), blogger (yet another take -- to explain, on the blog I would be posting a lot of original reporting, which is different from what I do on the editorial page). In this case, with the sheriff calling attention to me and to John Monk and to Andy with his camera at the back of the room, I felt that my biggest role was journalist under the circumstances. Anyway, I was busy taking notes.
Under other circumstances, when Rotary stands for a speaker, I usually stand -- but I'm generally among the last to do so. I think such plaudits should be accorded sparingly. But then in those cases I'm just another guy in the crowd.
Posted by: Brad Warthen | Tuesday, 24 February 2009 at 11:04 AM
I can see the headline now:
Democrat logic goes round
in circles to fight Rotary
Posted by: Weldon VII | Tuesday, 24 February 2009 at 11:56 AM
Cokehead.Hophead.Highly illogical.
Posted by: Mr Spock | Thursday, 26 February 2009 at 05:51 PM
You sir define Megalomania, and in addition you're unfit to be a 21st Century American Police Officer in any of the 50 States! The jovial attitude you displayed and after what YOU did to that young American hero (Michael Phelps) deserves a reprimanding response from our nations politicians on every level. You say you can "sleep at night because in your heart..." what?... you have no heart sir and if you did sir you left it back in the 20th century. I pity your immediate family sir they must feel such hidden shame of you that they are forced to conceal day in and day out. You sir are a trader to the youth of American! Where did you leave your common sense sir, where! What an embarrassment you caused our great nation and at a time when we need to come together with caring and hope for us all, sadly you will never really (100%) understand the mess you made but your megalomania has assured future generations of your DNA a legacy of foolishness and animosity.
Posted by: xFed | Saturday, 28 February 2009 at 12:33 AM
Alcohol was not stopped by making it against the law, and neither will pot. Just like with alcohol the police like to bust in and crack skulls. They also are prone to corruption because property can be seized. COPS LOVE THE WAR ON DRUGS, AND IT IS A WAR WITHOUT END -- IT SEEMS.
I once had a mobile home in Volusia County Florida that I had sold on a contract to a man who turned it over to his son, of course his son did not pay. When I got it back it was filled with pot plants, nice, big, bushey, healthy plants. Every inch of floor space was occupied by a plant. I called the sheriff and reported the plants, and they would not come out UNLESS THEY COULD GET MY LAND AND MOBILE HOME. They never came out (I called for three weeks) and then the drug dealer came in during the night and took his plants. THEY DIDN'T WANT THE DRUGS, THEY WANTED TO GRAB MY PROPERTY.
Posted by: Ray Cates | Saturday, 21 March 2009 at 05:33 PM
What a fantastic giveaway!!! This would be just wonderful and so much fun to actually win this. I know the odds are slim but you never know....
Posted by: Standing Ovation | Monday, 26 July 2010 at 07:15 AM